Ice Studies #1 – #7

A testament to our attention to detail and passion for working with materials in new ways, the Ice Studies #1-#7 sculptural installation was commissioned by the Anchorage Museum for their exhibit ‘Sea Ice’.  The piece was created out of EPS Foam Insulation, a material typically utilized for the insulation of structures.

The landscapes of ice, both at the micro and macro scale, support a vast network of life in the Arctic.

In a seemingly contradictory way, ice and its interior networks of channels and voids create an insulative environment that allows for the survival of key elements of the Arctic food chain.

These abstracted studies of ice celebrate the visible and not so visible habitats that promote and sustain life in the Arctic regions.

Each of the block assemblages were created out of 3 individual sculpted layers and the LED backlighting was affected by the alternating densities, overlaps, and voids.

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